John Prince Siddon

Fitzroy Crossing, WA

John Prince Siddon is the son of Pompey Siddon, who was one of the founding painters at Mangkaja Arts Resource Agency in Fitzroy Crossing W.A in 1991. A Walmajarri man, he was born in 1964 in Derby, and spent his early years working on cattle stations until injured in a horse riding accident.He now lives in Fitzroy Crossing and is married with a 16-year-old son. Prince has been painting with Mangkaja since 2009. However due to his wife’s chronic illness and his son having special needs, he has had limited time to devote to his art.

Prince’s narrative formula stems from the traditional Kimberley craft of boab nut carving. He is not an overnight success, but has worked hard at his craft and is continually exploring new mediums and ways of working painted surfaces. Moving between 2D and 3D, Prince depicts often confronting imagery inspired by national and global issues he sees on television, his own story and desert iconography and the Narrangkarni (Dreamtime).

Finally the hard work is paying off with Prince recently attaining some major art achievements and recognition. Selected as a regular finalist in the prestigious Telstra NATSIAA since 2018 and highly commended in the King Wood and Mallesons Art Prize 2018.

February 2020 saw John Prince Siddon commissioned for his first major solo show by the Perth International Festival with “All Mixed Up”. A survey of works that demonstrated Prince’s adeptness for pushing mediums on multiple surfaces and rendering imagery that reflects a unique take on today’s national political and social issues. SMH Art Critic John McDonald named it "the festival standout exhibition."

“Prince’s works are incredibly detailed and often contain rich layers of symbolic imagery. In the work, "Mix It All Up" Prince uses a map of this nation to depict several pivotal scenes in the nation’s history. Upon closer inspection, the work references colonisation and immigration and their effects on native flora, fauna and Aboriginal communities. Other works in the exhibition look at Indigenous land management, global warming, renewal and regeneration of bush and even brutality and violet pub culture.”

- Fremantle Art Centre Perth Festival Media Release
